His Sunshine

His Sunshine
by Devia Purwanti
Zavier always knew that cutting his hair wasn’t a simple sacrifice. It means everything. He has pride to keep for only himself and his hair was his biggest pride of all. He would never give any permissions for someone to touch his asset without respect. He has worked hard for it. He even used the combination of two expensive gels for his perfect hair. So, all of the boys better have respect for him if they knew what was best for them.
You better fuck off, boys.
            He has a beautiful girlfriend who loves him with all her might, when all the girls wanted him in school. It wasn’t as if he was just a big-headed boy for saying that—although he realized that fact a long time ago, but it wasn’t such a big deal now. He had proof. They almost squeaked when he walked towards them. He could understand it. Really, he himself knew that it was almost impossible to resist his attractive face that framed with his perfect spiky hair. So, yeah, he understood that. Even his girlfriend’s hobby was playing with his hair.
            Everything was running smoothly until that day. Oh, he would never forget the teacher who shaved off all his hair undoubtedly, as if it was anything but hair. And back then, he was too weak to even fighting it. He would never forget that his pride has fallen to the ground.
            Because of the-not-so-happy incident, he always wore a hat to hide his bald head. Many girls didn’t adore him as much as they used to be. He began to lose his cool around girls and what was worst was the fact that it was caused by his bloody crown. He even scared to face his girlfriend’s reaction. Poor him.
            One day, he sat under sakura tree. As always, he wore a hat and covered his face with the book he himself didn’t give a damn about. It was pathetic how things turned out this way.
            “Zavier!” He could hear someone—or rather, a girl of his age, called him.
            He froze. He knew too well whose voice was that. He didn’t prepare this possibility. His girlfriend couldn’t see him like this. She must be scared to death to see his bald head and probably there would be no ‘us’ anymore between them. He could only curse the fate. The teacher was making his life a living hell. Seriously.
            “Oy, Zavier! Have you finished avoiding me all day long? What’s wrong with you?” she snarled and approached him with her red face.
            Silence filled their dialog. There was no diction nor alibi he could find in his brain. He could just hide behind his book, never once he tried to raise his head up. Of course, until the girl took the book out of his reach and stared endlessly at his face—she even took the hat and was shocked to find his bald head.
            Oh. My. God.
            What am I supposed to do?
            “Where is that messy hair of yours?” Cholis, his lovely girlfriend asked dumbly. She began to run her fingers through his head and was met with short, almost bald head.
            This is just a dream. This is just a dream. A bad one—sure, but not enough to make her want to break my heart. Right. I’m just being paranoid. That’s all. Calm down, Zavier. She’s not going to break up with you.
            His brain reassured him again and again. But he wouldn’t take a good look at it. His mere girlfriend presence was enough to distract him from plotting everything.
            “Hello, Mr. Vander there, are you sure you’re not deaf?” Cholis waved her hands in front of his face.
            “Um …, Cholis, don’t break up with me?” he begged, didn't even realize that it sounded like a question. He looked like a lost puppy with an almost bald head.
            “What?” Confusion reflected in Cholis’ face.
            “I mean—it’s not cool, Cholis. We are supposed to be together, forever and live happily ever for God knows how long. Even though I have no hair at all, don’t mind it! It will grow as the time goes by. A-and you know that I can’t stand it if you aren’t by my side. So—yeah, if you break up with me then … um, you got my drift,” Zavier swallowed nervously after his speech. He didn’t even care anymore if he sounds like a pathetic little boy begging his girlfriend to not break up with him. Actually, he was that pathetic little boy. So, it was fine. It was OK.
            “Pft!” He stared widely at the girl. He took a good look at her face and raised an eyebrow. She was chuckling. What was that supposed to mean?
            “I-I don’t get you at all. How could you chuckle like that? Our relationship is at the end of a cliff,” he said. “Is that a good sign or a bad one? Please, enlighten me.” He looked hurt.
            Cholis burst into laughter, “What has gotten into you all of a sudden? Quit the game! It’s very unlike you to say that! hahaha!”
            He narrowed his eyes.
            She kept laughing.
            He glared.
            She shut her mouth up.
            “Ouch! What was that pinch for?!” he demanded an answer.
            “That was for being an unreasonable boyfriend! Aren’t you supposed to be a man, Zavier? What’s with you and your bravery—as in, your pride? It’s not like you to cower yourself under sakura tree,” Cholis said sarcastically, faking a sweet smile in her lips—a smirk.
            He grinned ear to ear. “So—you’re not going to break up with me? Answer me! Answer! Answer me, Cholis!” Impatiently, he shook Cholis’ shoulder.
            Cholis rolled her eyes. “Of course we’re not. You always reach the conclusion without thinking. And it was foolish of you—don’t you dare to replay it. So annoying, you know. It’s not your hair that I love, it’s you,” she said, couldn’t help the blush that has spread itself in her cheeks.
            “Are you sure you are my girlfriend? Darling, how come you are so cute and I didn’t realize it at all?” he asked sweetly, running his hands in Cholis’ brown hair and pinched her cheeks for being so cute. “I know very well that it was your way to say that you love me. It’s understandable, you know. I love you, too.”
            “You are so full of yourself,” Cholis replied and avoid her boyfriend’s stare.
            “And you, my girl, are the most beautiful girl who gets lucky because I laid my eyes upon you and deeply in love with you until the God separates us.” Cholis snorted after hearing that.
            They couldn’t help but smiled shyly at each other and walked hand in hand, leaving the sakura tree to be alone as always.
            The boy named Zavier Vander felt like an idiot. He almost forgot that his lover would never leave his side, because she herself was deeply in love with him. And for him, she was his sunshine.

The End

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