Resume Model Keputusan Konsumen dan Motivasi Konsumen

Devia Purwanti (G24150034)
Department of Geophysics and Meteorology (
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (
Bogor Agricultural University (

Consumer Behavior Lecture IKK233 (Consumer Behavior Class) - February 14th until June, 2017
Department of Family and Consumer Sciences (
Faculty of Human Ecology (
Bogor Agricultural University (

Prof. Dr. Ir. Ujang Sumarwan, MSc
Dr. Ir. Lilik Noor Yuliati, MFSA
Dr. Ir. Megawati Simanjuntak, MS
Ir. Retnaningsih, MS
Ir. Md Djamaluddin, MSc

Resume Pertemuan 1: Model Keputusan Konsumen dan Motivasi Konsumen
Consumer Decision Model and Consumer Motivation
Winardi (1991) define consumer behavior as a behavior that related to planning, purchasing, and using economy product and service.
Consumer behavior is a behavior that is related to planning, purchasing, and using economy product and service. Schiffman and Kanuk (2010) define consumer behavior as “the term consumer behavior refers to the behavior that consumers display in searching for, purchasing, using, evaluating, and disposing of products and services that they expect will satisfy their needs.”
Sumarwan (2010) stated, "From some definition mentioned above, we can conclude that consumer behavior is all the activities, actions, as well as the psychological processes that drive those actions in the moments before buy, when to buy, when to use, spend products and services after do things above or evaluate activities.”
The process of consumer decision to purchase or consume products and services will be influenced by three main factors, that is marketing strategy, individual differences, and environmental factors. Consumer decision process would consist of the introduction stage needs, information search, evaluation of alternatives, purchase, and customer satisfaction.
Sumarwan (2011) stated, "The motivation arise from the need perceived by consumers." Maslow says that five human needs based on their level of importance ranging from the lowest, the biological needs, to the highest, psychogenic needs.
Model theory of Maslow's hierarchy of needs according to actualization, ego needs, social needs, the need for security and safety, and physiological needs. Abraham Maslow is a clinical psychologist who introducing about human needed hierarchy or usually called as Maslow Theory.
Sumarwan U. 2011. Perilaku Konsumen Teori dan Penerapannya dalam Pemasaran. Jakarta (ID): PT Ghalia Indonesia (Cetakan Pertama Edisi Kedua).

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